Our actual bed set up in our room!

Website image of bed I kept looking at for the past couple months
I went to the Jayson Home and Garden warehouse sale today around lunchtime, which was a mistake. I had planned on going this morning when it opened at 10, but ended up walking over at more like 12:30. I realized when I saw the mob buzzing around outside that this may have been a grave error.
I saw a million things I wanted, but they all had "sold" tags on them. It was so frustrating! Why did I go so late?!
Then my eyes lit on this bed, a style I had had my eye on in the store but it retailed for $2,450. Add in tax and delivery, and it's more like $3,000. I felt that I could get a bed upholstered in my own fabric for that much, in which case it would be in the perfect color for whatever scheme I landed on for the bedroom, so I gave up on the Jayson bed (which is available in their own fabric, a gray velvet, or probably in your own fabric at no reduced price - meaning it could add up to $1500 more depending on what fabric you chose, given the bed would probably require like 10-12 yards.)
Anyway, at the sale it was marked down to $1,150. My gut said to go for it, so I tracked down a flustered salesperson and said I'd take it.
We had to hoist both the three-sided headboard and the frame over our balcony since our stairs are so narrow, but the delivery guys were total experts and it went smoothly. Now we have ourselves a new upholstered bed that should last a long time!